From Teacher to Eco Copywriter: My Journey in Sustainability

What started off as merely a suggestion...

... Soon became something much bigger...

Today, I craft compelling copy for clients, focusing on brand storytelling, website copy, and blogging.

My love for sustainability and making a positive impact in this world has made working with equally passionate and driven human beings, a total no-brainer.

Supporting them in finding the right words and copywriting game plan to launch or reignite their sustainability businesses, is a dream come true.

But this wasn’t always the case. In fact… 


It was my husband who suggested copywriting...

Writing blogs, emails, articles, content, social media messages…(I hadn’t the foggiest what he was talking about) but… 

I was intrigued…..another change of direction I thought. (Because here’s the thing… This wasn’t the first time I’d pivoted, changed course, explored something new…) 

I left university with a teaching degree

I started my journey as a teacher in a mainstream primary school

Then the unexpected happened…       

At 23, I got meningitis - It was without a doubt one of the toughest moments of my life. 

After a long recovery, I took a year out and found myself working as a paralegal (advocate) for a criminal law firm. I loved the research, putting cases together for the barristers, and creating mitigation for the judge’s consideration.

Of course, there were more changes to come (friendly wink)...     

The advocate in me was growing stronger…

It didn’t take long though before the natural teacher in me took over again. I returned to the profession feeling fitter and stronger. 

I soon realised though... I was a teacher with a difference.

I longed to help those children who didn’t shine (or as some teachers refer to as….the ‘bless ems’) the ones who just frankly found learning extremely difficult. The ones who were not speaking or seemed uncoordinated in their movements or, they were simply just………different.

I was leaning toward the world of ‘Special Needs’. 

I worked in a school for special needs children for 10 years. It was a complete game changer for me as well as a total mind shift. 

These children and young people (aged 0-19) changed my world.

I became an advocate for these young people, fighting to make a difference for them.

I was working with children who were on the Autistic Spectrum (now referred to as neurologically diverse) those who had behavioural difficulties, profound and multiple learning needs as well as, severe complex access needs.

The ones that nobody else could teach….the unteachables!

I had to learn fast and change my teaching style to meet the needs of these individuals in a way that was ever-changing day by day.

No day was ever the same! 

Like a magnet, I was feeling the pull again, sending me in another direction, towards those who had no means to communicate.

I came across an amazing team of individuals who worked for an assistive technology service, specialising in AAC (Alternative & Augmentative Communication)

You’ll probably know the type of kit I mean when I say...

I specialised in equipment (AAC) such as Eye gaze (similar to that used by Stephen Hawking)

Communication aids similar to that used by the lost voice guy (winner of Britain’s Got Talent) and last but by no means least - Rob Burrow, former rugby player (a device that involved voice banking)

 I was raising the bar...

Showing my fellow teachers in the areas of Special Needs, how important it is to give young people with no means to communicate the tools needed to give them a voice… 

Once again, I was becoming an advocate. 

I co-wrote online training,  and mission statements, provided consultations, assessments, mentoring, and presented at ‘Communication Matters’ which is a national event hosted by Leeds University.

So why did I become a Copywriter?

…Well, if we fast forward to now...

‘I see my role as a specialist copywriter as similar to my role as a specialist teacher in education for the past 20+ years.

I’m as committed to advocating for the people, brands and businesses  who want to make their mark on the world.’

Of course, I love to write...

But  also, wanted to help businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs, and new start-ups who:

🌏Care as much about the planet and other people, as they do making a profit

🌏Want to do good in this world and inspire others to do the same

🌏Want to give something back to enrich the lives of others

🌏Want to make a real difference by doing what they do

🌏Have a positive impact upon society and the environment along the way

I became a copywriter to help those mission-led people get their message out there

An advocate to help them find the words and clarify their message. that more of us get to engage with and support ethical businesses..the good guys

And I chose to work as a sustainability copywriter dear reader because I know that businesses like yours, whose mission is to help protect the planet or give back in some way, really get it.

They understand what’s important…

Need some help with your messaging? Get in touch… or BOOK A CALL 

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