A Sustainability Copywriter With A Difference...

Carefully craft words that clarify your sustainability message and share your story for a more profitable and greener future. 

Stand Out From The Crowd

Attract New Customers

Persuade People To Care About Sustainability

Let's Unleash the Power of the Written Word...

...And Use it for the Greater Good

I help mission-led people, brands, or businesses share their unique gifts with the world, whether it be their stories, their products, or their services, using my specialist Brand, Website, and SEO-optimised Blog copywriting services. 

My goal is to empower others to reach their ideal clients, drive traffic to their websites, and grow their businesses in a way that makes a difference in the world.



“Empowering you to shape your distinctive brand voice, enabling you to craft compelling and eco-conscious copy that resonates”

Unveiling The Copy Advocate...

Get to know the playful quirky personality behind the screen

Hey, I’m Claire Deadman A.K.A The Copy Advocate

I specialise in sustainability copywriting…

Whether you are a fully-fledged business owner, new start-up or aspiring entrepreneur, my work is devoted to helping you communicate your environmental mission and values in a clear, concise, and compelling way. 

I offer tips and strategies on how to get clear on your target audience, define your unique brand voice, and write website copy and blog posts that connect with your customers on an emotional level.

I want you to feel confident writing words for the web so you can share your sustainability message with the right people in the right way.


Are you struggling to share your sustainability story?

If so... you're not alone... the good news is... you're in the right place

In a world where being kind to our planet matters more than ever, there's a group of folks who care deeply – individuals, brands, and businesses all committed to making a positive difference. They don't just want success, they want to help the Earth too, leaving a mark that lasts.

That's where I come in – a storyteller who's passionate about helping these planet-friendly pioneers shine.

My job is all about writing in a way that suits their mission. I team up with these eco-champions to tell their stories online. Whether it's creating catchy messages for their brands, making websites that show off their green efforts, or writing blogs that people find online – I'm here to help get their message out there.

But my goal is bigger than just words…

 I want to help these eco-conscious heroes connect with the people who need to hear their message. By making sure their websites are seen and their businesses grow, I'm part of a journey that's about more than just making money – it's about making a real change.


Claire's energy, passion, creativity, commitment, and ability to think bigger and beyond what's in front of you is incredible to see. It's no hyperbole when I say, " Hey Sustainability space! Get ready... The Copy Advocate is coming to shake up the industry in a seriously big way... You've been warned"

Natalie Milligan

Transforming Ideas Into Reality
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Catch A Glimpse of How We Will Get Things Done Together...

...3 Simple Steps That Will Lead the Way to Transformation

Step 1

Hop on a call with me!

Let’s have an initial chat- a friendly “get to know you” session!

During this quick call, we’ll identify what’s going smoothly and what might need a bit of extra attention. Together, we’ll discuss possible solutions.

This conversation is all about ensuring we’re a great match and confirming that I’m the right person to assist you in conquering your objectives. If it turns out we’re not the perfect fit, I’ll be upfront and let you know.

Step 2 Craft a Bespoke Copywriting Game Plan for Your Sustainable Business

Embark on a green journey through words...

This is where we dive into the world of language, we’ll sculpt your distinctive sustainable brand narrative, infuse eco-consciousness into your web copy and plant the seeds of sustainability within your blogs, in a way that includes optimisation for our friend Google. 

Rest assured, we’re on a joyful mission to shape your green brand story, enhance it with character and establish your authority in the world of sustainability. 

Step 3 Set it Free and Spread Those Green Vibes

The moment has come to release your creation into the wild! But hold on…

Before we take the plunge, we’re setting up a powerful launch strategy with a sustainability twist.

You’ve put your heart into this, and when the world lays eyes on it, we want them to catch those eco-friendly ripples don’t we? 

That’s why we’re crafting a clever strategy, to ensure that you are equipped for what lies ahead. Get ready to create an eco-friendly wave that deserves a grand celebration!


The Sustainable Blog

A place to inspire those conscious consumers whilst shining a light on you

Feeling a bit lost about the whole copy thing and its role in boosting your sustainable venture? 

Well, don’t you worry! Head over to the blog and unearth the secrets of crafting impactful eco-conscious copy for your business.

 This way, you’ll catch the eyes and ears of those who are eagerly seeking your sustainable solutions.  


Where Sustainability Sparks Your Creativity!


Feel free to dive into these free-spirited guides!

They’re here to help you refine your one-of-a-kind writing flair, attract kindred eco-souls, boost your sustainable brand’s presence, and build a standout website.

Feel free to grab what you need!